Saturday, November 22, 2008

We're back...

This was quite an interesting week. Monday we had our first lab in forever. To be honest, I was dreading having to be there until 10:10 at night, but it ended up being really interesting! Barry seemed like he really knew what he was talking about and really had a passion for it. It's rare to see someone that loves what he does, and Barry definitely seems that way.

Playing around with the audio editing software was pretty cool. We all got to take turns speaking into the microfone and then playing it back. My personal favorite was when we got to change the pitch and make ourselves sound like Mickey Mouse. I've seen engineers work on my sister's songs and I always thought it was pretty cool how they can cut and paste different parts of songs together. I'm excited to start my own project and be able to show off my "skills" when I get back to Los Angeles.
Also on Monday, our film analysis projects were due. I had a much better time completing this project than I did with my last Web site project. I felt way more comfortable working on a Web site the second time around because I felt like I had a better idea of what was expected of me. I tried to be more creative and toyed around with Web design a little more. I did my project on Mean Girls, a movie that is such a guilty pleasure to me. I love it and think it is such an accurate projection of high school girls today. I liked this assignment way more than the last one.

We had our last Barthes band presentation on Monday on the Grain of Voice. I thought the whole concept of the texture of the voice was really intriguing. I found it especially interesting becauseMe and Thiago have our presentation on Sonic Outlaws on Monday so hopefully that works out well because we have been preparing long and hard for it. Wish us luck!
Shayna Tucker

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