Saturday, November 29, 2008

Yes Men Extra Blog

With the end of the semester approaching, it has finally come time to do our final projects: the radio project. My new group, band 3.5, has had many great ideas on different directions we could go with the show. After submitting our proposal to Kate, we know see we have much more work cut out for us than we previously realized.

After seeing the work of the Yes Men, I have mixed feelings. I think what they are doing is very clever. Instead of violently protesting or doing something else to get the attention of the media, they are actually using the media as their way of communication. Just as the media manipulates the public opinion by only releasing information they choose, the Yes Men are manipulating the media, forcing them to cover issues that they find important. This is good in that it forces the media and the public viewers to see a side of a story that they might have not seen and not had the chance to consider.

This manipulation also has a negative side. For example, by promising compensation for the Bhopal plant victims, they are giving hope to many people. Once these people hear that the promises are false, they will now have added disappointment. These people have gone through enough, and it is unnecessary to put them through any more hurt. The point of the Yes Men's fake impersinations is to cause harm to the major companies, but the major harm is being done to the innocent bystanders.

For our radio projects, I do not think it would be a good idea to implement the same strategies that the Yes Men use in their endeavours. Though the idea behind the shows are good, the effect it has on innocent people is not worth the small harm it does to major corporations.

Shayna Tucker

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