Saturday, October 11, 2008

camera work

The Personal Narratives are finally due and complete and I am happy to say I am actually really thrilled with my finished product. I think we all actually did really good jobs. I am now trying to think of what movie to use for Film Memory project.

We had to watch The Shining this week and I have to say I did not enjoy watching it at all. If you are into those kinds of horror movies then I guess it is great, but that is not the movie for me. It is crazy that the mixture of lighting, sound, and camera work can make a movie seem so scary. It was funny to hear how many people actually jumped from the popping of the word TUESDAY… because I did. When we were examining the beginning scene of the film, it is interesting to see that if you were to just film a car with a straight shot the difference it really makes to film the same shot by having the camera zoom in and out and through different angles in a zig – zag fashion. It really makes that scene seem so eerie.

Jack Nicholson was the perfect typage for his role. As Kate said in class his eyebrows and facial expressions were essential to his part.

I thought the trailer we saw in class was hilarious. It so cool how someone could still use every shot that was from the movie, just put it together differently and makes it seem like an entirely different thing. It is actually really funny because as I am typing this, Solsburry Hill just came up on my play list, playing from my IPod.

For my image I am including a site that contains a lot of images of different things that effect your perception of something. Just like how camera work and lighting can drastically effect your perception in a movie.

Here is one of the kinds of images you will see on the site:

The center circles are both the same size.


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