Saturday, October 4, 2008


To start out with, I'm going to offer a disclaimer: I've had a rough time with my Web site, so this blog is a little lengthy. Enjoy!

Creating my personal narrative has had so many ups and downs. In the beginning, I really enjoyed the creative freedom of the assigment. I was having fun learning about the different things we could do to manipulate and mold a Web site based on a vision within our own minds. During labs, I felt comfortable using Dreamweaver after the in-depth explanations given by Kate. Everything was much easier than I thought! My happiness only lasted so long.

On Thursday night, Amie and I decided to go to the library to work on our projects together. I opened up Dreamweaver and continued working on my Web site. Everything was going great! I then decided to open up my Web site on Internet Explorer to check my progress. This is where all the trouble began. None of my images were working! How could this happen? They were all working before and in Dreamweaver and now, NOTHING! To be honest, I freaked out. There was nothing more I could do in the library because I didn't know how to fix the problem. I knew I had to ask Kate the next day in class. I left the library around 11:00 p.m., but I still had one problem to deal with. On Fridays, I finish class at 2:45 and I was supposed to head straight home after class this particular week. My whole family is in town from Los Angeles for the weekend and my sister has a huge performance in South Beach that I need to attend. How was I going to be able to leave for home after class when I had to finish my project?! I don't have Adobe Dreamweaver on my computer. I looked online about purchasing it, but it was VERY expensive.

My first instinct was to call my dad. Ever since I was little, he has always been the one to bail me out of my problems. He suggested I call Marc, our family computer fix-it man. He gave me the number and I called. He told me I would be able to download a free 30-day trial straight from the Adobe Web site. That sounded perfect! Little did I know, the worst was yet to come!

The next day in class, I described to Kate my issue with the disappearing pictures. She told me how to fix the problem. I now felt comfortable driving home. I was just informed how to fix my dilema and that I would be able to use Dreamweaver on my own computer at home. Problems solved...right? Wrong.

After my classes were done for the day, I packed up my car and made the long, 4 1/2 hour journey to south Florida. When I got home, I immediately went to the Adobe Web site to download Dreamweaver. File Error...that can't be right! I tried it 23498729843 times and the same message came up every time! I immediately called Marc the computer man again. He tried doing it on his computer and received the same message. Of course the only program on the whole Web site to have problems would be the only one I needed! He told me to download another html editing program called CoffeeCup. It took a little bit of time to figure out, but when life gives you lemons, make lemonade! Yes I know that sounded very tacky, but for my own mental health I need to make this situation better!

To sum it all up, I enjoyed actually making the Web site, but not the headache that came along with it. Hopefully all my hardwork pays off (wink wink A!!). I am including a picture of me on Friday night. ;)
Shayna Tucker

1 comment:

Kate, Barry, Arlo, and Ezra said...

WHAT a sob story! We've all been there.