Saturday, October 18, 2008

death of the author

This week we analyzed The Shining further and it was really interesting to see how every little thing in a movie contributes to it. When I first watched The Shining… I noticed the television playing but did not really bother to pay attention to exactly what was on it. When we watched scenes again I found it very interesting to notice that while Wendy was alone in the kitchen, the T.V. was playing a news story about a wife who was murdered while she was alone in her husband. If you pay attention to that it really foreshadows the movie.

We then went over The Death of the Author… good job Band 3.. you did great! I was really interested when we were talking about the Author and his work and then relating it to a father and his child. An author creates something then once in the real world it is interpreted in many ways. It is just like with kids. A father will raise his child but when the child is set off in the real world on his own, he is off to make his own decisions and be life to his own interpretations. I also like the idea that Barthes brings about when he says we need to stop brining in authors life and background into their work and just appreciate the work for what it is. Band 3 used the example of Van Gogh’s painting and how whenever you look at his paintings its hard for people not to think about his madness. “The explanation of a work is always sought in the man or woman who produced it.” Instead we should just look at a work for what it is. I decided to include the painting by Van Gough and when you look at it just appreciate it for what it is and do not think about Van Gough or his life.

Amie Orner

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