Friday, September 12, 2008

And so it begins...

I guess it is my turn to write on the big, bad blog. I'm just kidding: I know its not quite that bad. After reading the two entrees of my fellow blogmates, a few things come to mind. First, I helped Amie pick which template to use so thanks Thiago! As we were sitting in Library West (or at Club West, which it is often called) waiting for Thiago, Amie and I decided to get a head start on the creation of the blog. At first we thought it would be funny if we picked a template that was pink and girly (that will teach Thiago to be late!), but then we saw this one and it was love at first sight. This class deals with the use of technology in literacy, and there was something about all those polka dots that screamed high-tech! Like Amie and Thiago have both already said, there was a little bit of a debate on what our image should be. At first, Amie suggested taking a picture of the three of us, but I felt it lacked any deeper meaning. I felt our image should represent something and should be looked at past face value. I then suggested just a picture of Amie giving the thumbs up. I was of course joking around with this suggestion, and Amie was quick to veto the idea. I thought it would be hilarious! It is almost a play on Tom from Myspace: everyone knows that iconic image! Personally, I was not too fond of Telly the Friendly Cell phone. Right now, I have moved past my initial dislikes and the image has finally grown on me, but I am still not the biggest fan of the name or catch phrase that accompanies it. I would like to end with telling the world that Amie Orner is the biggest copycat for using my smiley face! To reclaim my idea, I decided to still use a smiley face...multiple times! Take that Amie Orner! :)

~Shayna Tucker

1 comment:

Kate, Barry, Arlo, and Ezra said...

I want a little more here. Where is the WHY? Why this smiley imagw? What does it signify for you? Also, I don't know anything about Tom from myspace--link! Tell me more.