Saturday, September 27, 2008

A picture is worth a thousand words...

First of all, I must start out agreeing with Thiago by saying wow, what a day! I went to the football game and I am extremely depressed with the results! This game should have been a blow out! With one simple field goal block, our chance of a national championship went out the window. Now on to the less upsetting stuff. This week, our reading was "Family Secrets." While reading it, I felt a special connection to the author's beliefs on what a photograph represents. When looking at a photograph, I notice much more than just a simple snapshot in time. I see the before and after of that moment. I remember the smells; I remember the feelings I felt behind the smile. I am including a picture of me with my sister, dance friends, and Joey Fatone at the Super Bowl. Me and my dance group and my sister as a solo act performed at the Super Bowl VIP party before kickoff. I remember the whole day leading up to this particular moment. I remember being so excited that whole week. I remember the nervousness I felt leading up to the moment I stepped on stage. We had to arrive hours before the event started. It was raining the whole day and I remember being upset that my hair was ruined and makeup smeared. Behind the smile, I felt nervous I would look aweful on stage. I was happy to be there, yet upset I would have to remember it looking like that! After the picture, I immediately ran to the digital camera and checked what I looked like. It was definitely not my finest moment. Like the reading suggests, there is much more to a picture than meets the eye. Looking at the picture, I get overcome with a certain feeling that I can't quite put my finger on. The idea of the third meaning comes into my head. Right now I feel as though I remember the particulars of the event portrayed in the picture, but do I really? Are my memories truly descriptive of the actual event that occurred? What will happen when I look at this picture ten years from now? Will I still remember everything I remember now? Will I form new memories? Will I remember things that I don't even remember now? Certain memories are tucked away in my unconscious now, so just maybe they will come out later in life. The idea behind the third meaning intregues me. There have been many moments in my life where something sparks this familiar feeling within me. The feeling could be described as deja vu, but where does this come from? My group is assigned the third meaning, and I am very excited to try and fully understand this theory. I agree with the saying, a picture is worth a thousand words, 110%!
Shayna Tucker

1 comment:

Kate, Barry, Arlo, and Ezra said...

Interesting image. I kept wondering "who is that guy...I know him"...ahhh yes, Joey Fatone of 'N Sync infamy. I wonder how an image changes when a celebrity enters the picture. I would point you to my comments on Amie's entry--the 3rd meaning isn't so simple. Not just any photo can have it...Can an image of a celebrity have it? I wonder if a celebrity is far too "coded." Interesting work though.