Saturday, September 27, 2008

And the winner is...

The debate Friday night was an interesting one to watch. Foreign policy and national security were the focus. One thing I noticed off the bat was during the first question, Obama maintained eye contact with the camera and McCain blinked and moved his head around several times. Though this seems so insignificant, I subconsciously believed Obama more because it felt like he was talking directly to me. I felt that Obama's answer was much more clear and to the point. Obama outlined specific actions he plans to take to fix the problem, where as I felt McCain simply acknowledged there was a problem that needed to be changed. As the debate went on, I noticed little things in body language that I felt showed me the character of each candidate. When McCain criticized Obama, Obama seemed more concerned with making sure the facts were accurate. On the other hand, when McCain was criticized, he seemed to take it personally. He smirked continuously and tried to cut in several times. Not once did he even look at Obama! Next, the issue of Medicare was dicussed. Obama wanted to set a plan where all Americans receive healthcare from the government. McCain felt that Americans should pay for their own healthcare. Obama catered more towards the middle class, where as McCain dealt more with the wealthy. When the war was dicussed, McCain felt it was important to make sure we win. Obama told how he has felt that the war was unnecessary since the beginning. He said that he felt we weren't ready to enter the war because we hadn't finished with Afganistan yet. Obama also stated that he felt we should take more advantage of the oil we have at home instead of soley relying on overseas. Though we do not have enough oil here to last us, it will still reduce our absolute necessity for foreign oil. As a whole, I felt McCain consistently referred to his experience and Obama gave detailed plans of action. I think this debate went in favor of Obama. He seemed cool, calm and collected...very presidential! If you want to watch the debate again or even for the first time, I am including the link. Enjoy!

Shayna Tucker


Kate, Barry, Arlo, and Ezra said...
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Kate, Barry, Arlo, and Ezra said...

Nice work. I like how you focused on the body language of the candidates...I was intrigued by that as well. Always seems to tell you so much more than what they're saying...especially since they're rarely saying much of anything worth hearing.

I have your extra credit recorded in my gradebook.