Friday, September 26, 2008

I just finished watching the presidential debate and I thought they were both very good speakers. They started off talking about the financial debt and Obama thoroughly went through a set plan of what he was going to do to help the economy. McCain on the other hand gave a more broad structure of his plan to get out of the financial debt. Obama was more for focusing spending on getting rid of the oil dependency, which I agree, is a good thing to focus spending on.  McCain said things like Medicare should not be put in the government’s hands but put in the people’s hands but not everyone is going to be able to afford their own Medicare. It then went into talking about the war in Iraq and their opinions differed greatly. Obama wants to focus on ending the war and putting more troops in Afghanistan he says that Al Qaeda is more of a threat than Iraq. Which is true Iraq just as oil and Obama is working on ways to make us less dependent on oil. McCain is concerned with our reputation and does not want us to be defeated in Iraq. He thinks that the lives that were lost will only be in vain if we win the war. Obama thinks that the lives lost are already in vain and he does not want to sacrifice more people’s lives. I agree I think that no more people should die for this unnecessary war. The closing question really affected me they ended the debate with asking about our countries safety. The scary thing is that both candidates could not say that our country is safe now. Obama made it clear that focusing on America by making it a place where people think they could go and fill their dreams is very important. To conclude I personally think that Obama did a better job in getting his point across and debating his ideas.   

Amie Orner

1 comment:

Kate, Barry, Arlo, and Ezra said...

Well, of course, our country really isn't safe now. Scary but true. Nice job on your extra credit. I've recorded it in my gradebook.