Saturday, October 4, 2008

Thiago's Thoughts

Personal Narrative Week

First of all, I'd like to point out our new layout and group name. I think the new layout looks slicker and simpler, so good job Amie, for working on that. I also like that we finally have a group name that defines us. The Procrastigators is a great name. Combines our love of procrastination and being a Florida gator. The image also is a funny touch, combining our faces with gator bodies, and we all look pretty relaxed and laid back just like veteran procrastinators. So again, good job Amie on working on these things and giving our group a better self image. The motto also fits us well, since even though we might stall to get things started, we will eventually get things done. And getting things done is exactly what I've been doing all week.

For example, I did not make it to class on Friday because I was busy finishing up project for two other classes--these other projects also kept me from working on my personal narrative, but I made sure to get all those other projects done, so that I would have the whole weekend to work on my personal narrative. Like Shayna, I too have been having problems implementing my ideas. In my head I have an idea of the way I want the page to look, but actually getting the page to look that way takes a lot of time since I don't have much experience with Dreamweaver and Photoshop and been having to rely on reading online tutorials to get things done. For example, I wanted to embed a video of a scene from a movie onto my page, but to do that (i learned) required several steps including: downloading the whole movie, converting it from .avi to .wmv, using Adobe Premiere to cut the desired scene, converting the file to flash form, and finally embedding it onto my page. All these steps took several hours and it was just to accomplish something that overall will have a small role in my personal narrative. But, this hasn't been frustrating because I'm actually learning a lot about web design, photoshop, etc. and it's one of the reasons I signed up for this class. So even though I don't mind that it's taking me a long time to learn how to do something the way I want it, I just hope that I will be able to get my personal narrative the way I envision it by Wednesday, when it's due.

I checked out my bandmates pages and both their pages look very good and it looks like they're both almost finished. Shayna's looks like it's almost done and I really like her layout, especially the menu buttons she created on top of each page. I'm really curious as to how she accomplished that and even tried looking at the source code to get some answers, but nothing. I guess I'll just ask her. Amie had a similar effect on her page, by having the same image on the bottom of every page that leads back to the home page. I think it's a cool idea and I might use something similar to help people navigate on my site. Only thing I want to point out is that Shayna, check your "Future" page, its text is the same as your "Past" text.

Also for this project I've been busy getting into contact with family and friends from Brazil to get them to scan pictures I could use for my project. It's been fun talking to them (some of my friends I haven't spoken to in years), explaining to them my project, and remembering the memories I have with them. These memories where further brought out when I received the scanned pictures. Also, since we are only limited to 20 MB of space on the plaza server, and since I felt that I needed more space for my project, I had to find a way to get more space. But internet space is not free, but luckly I have a friend who owns some web space and he gave me 200MB of space to use for $10. So now at least I don't have to worry about not being able to do everything I plan on doing due to limited space.

This is a candid picture I took on my built in webcam of me working hard on my project. See how focused I look? Maybe just pissed off.

1 comment:

Kate, Barry, Arlo, and Ezra said...

Yes, the 20 MB limit is quite onerous. It makes complex projects all but impossible.