Saturday, October 4, 2008

You betcha that was a heck of a debate...

Right from the start, Palin continued her quest to be the average hockey mom. When she walked on the stage, she shook Biden's hand and asked if she could call him Joe. That simple line was indicative of her whole persona. When answering questions, Biden was direct and to the point. He sounded professional and knowledgeable. Palin was aiming to be more likeable. She used informal speech throughout such as "I betcha" and "heck of a lot". During her response to Biden's claim that McCain said the economy was great at 9 a.m. and then at 11 a.m. he said there was an economic crisis, Palin even went as far as winking while she said "that's what McCain meant by that." In the next question about who is responsible for the subprime mortgage situation, Palin begins her answer with "darn right it was the creditor lenders." As the debate wears on, certain points get heated. During the question on tax policies, disagreement is very evident. Palin is more on the offense, stating many negatives about Obama. Biden goes on to disprove her accusations. I feel he handled her attacks very professionally. Throughout the debate, Palin would look down at her notes after Biden would speak. This occurred several times. All her speeches appeared to be premeditated. It is almost as if she was told to stick to her notes and add a little "average American" flair to it. Ideas and concepts didn't seem to be her own. Biden just appeared more prepared. Palin seemed to sway the question to topics she was more comfortable discussing. To sum everything up, Palin's "average folk" approach backfired and Biden remained cool, calm, and collected. I would be way more confident having Obama and Biden leading our country during a time of economic crisis than an old man and a hockey mom. I am including a link to the debate for your comedic pleasure!

Shayna Tucker

1 comment:

Kate, Barry, Arlo, and Ezra said...

You really are focused on the body language, aren't you? Of course, Palin's body language is hard to ignore...she is trained, as a beauty queen, in the art of body language.

Interesting stuff.

I have your extra credit posted in my gradebook.