Thursday, September 11, 2008

The first post

Well guys I really enjoyed our little meet today in the library. We worked really well together trying to decide on stuff for our blog. At first for our image we thought we would use a picture of the three of us.. but that ended quickly and we then decided to choose a friendly looking cellphone as our band image because the cellphone seems to be the epitome of our generation. Even though you guys made fun of me at first for the idea on the naming and phrase of the cellphone, I think it ended up working out well. Our cellphone is also a friendly looking cellphone because we are all nice and friendly people. The cellphone sort of reminded me of Casper the Friendly Ghost and I really like that movie. Our cellphones catch phrase is "You Won't Be Able to take Your Hands off of Me" because it's definitely a gadget that I could not live without. I just can never take my hands off of my cellphone, when my cellphone is not on me I feel incomplete. To make the actual website we had to go on google and make an email which is We then went to a blog making site called to make our blog. It was pretty easy to make everything was pretty much spelt out for you. The layout we have right now is just a pre-made template we are probably going to fix it up and change it a little more. We liked this template the best, which is why we chose it. We decided to color coordinate how we posted so we each have our own color that we will post in. Wow to write 300 words is a lot harder than I thought. This project doesn’t seem too bad though. I would rather be doing this than writing 5 page papers. My first image I am going to use is a happy face because I'm happy this is all coming together. Shayna also wanted a happy face as our band image so i figured I'd stick it in here. 

Amie Orner

1 comment:

Kate, Barry, Arlo, and Ezra said...

I want to know more about this smiley face...then you might not have such a hard time writing the 300 words. Why this? What is it to you? Honestly, at first glance, it seems pretty flippant, but I think you could go somewhere with it.